Friday 19 May 2023

Season 10: The Green Death

 How much does this story get right about pollution? Surprisingly much. Ben, Luke and Nick pick apart this Pertwee classic.

Friday 7 April 2023

Season 10: Planet of the Daleks

 This edition of the Doctor Who Fifty Years Ago podcast covers Planet of the Daleks, comparing the theme of warfare and the use of emotions in this story, and in more recent Who stories.

Friday 24 February 2023

Season 10: Frontier in Space

 In this episode of Doctor Who Fifty Years Ago, we look at what Frontier in Space can tell us about 1973, and dissect the "metaphor of the Master's plan" to spread fear and xenophobia.

Friday 27 January 2023

Season 10: Carnival of Monsters

In this episode of Doctor Who Fifty Years Ago, the podcast reviews Carnival of Monsters in the context of 1972, and Robert Holmes' view on history, bureaucracy, society and entertainment in his carny story.

Friday 30 December 2022

Season 10: The Three Doctors

 The podcast returns to start looking at Season 10's stories, with plenty to discuss on the differences on the show and in the world in 1972 and 2022. We begin with the first multi-Doctor story, so here's multiple people to review and analyse it!

Saturday 2 January 2021

A Character Analysis Podcast on "The Master"

A special edition of the Doctor Who Fifty Years Ago podcast in which Ben, Luke and Nick commit an in-depth analysis into the long-term villain of the show, "The Master".

Saturday 20 June 2020

Episode 25: Inferno Episode 7: Endings and Beginnings

A Doctor Who series and a government ends, and a new government begins in the 1970s which brought in an element of internationalism. In 2020, there might be an end of an age with isolationist nationalistic agendas cropping up. We can but analyse what Doctor Who and the world was in 1970, compare it to what it is in 2020, and murmur disapprovingly.